Deepika Padukone is one actress who has paired opposite many heroes comfortably. After Deepika Padukone-Farhan Akhtar, Deepika-Imran, Deepika-Neil Nitin Mukesh and Deepika-Abhishek, the actress is now set to make a screen pair with Shahid Kapoor in Sabir Khan’s ‘Heer and Ranjha’. Sabir has already assisted in movies like Mujhse Shaadi Karogi and directed the disastrous Kambakht Ishq.
Now, Deepika Padukone is quite tall and is always conscious that she would look taller than her hero. Before the shooting of Karthik Calling Karthik, Farhan Akhtar had to actually stand next to her, and show her that he can match her height. However Sabir is quick to explain and says, “I don’t think it really makes a difference if the leading lady is taller than the hero.
“We opted for Deepika Padukone because we needed a face that could look contemporary and classical. Among the current line-up of actresses, only she could measure up to my script’s demands. As for Shahid, he’s an intense actor. I’m positive this pair can project the pangs of passionate love,” he added.
We, on our part, are waiting eagerly to see this fresh pair create magic on the screen.